Featured Projects

International Media Ethics Day -2012


Mishal Pakistan in collaboration with the Center for International Media Ethics (CIME) and the Center for Media Research and Development celebrated the second International Media Ethics Day in Pakistan at the Royal Palm Country Club, Lahore.

The aim of the Media Ethics Day is to mobilize the journalism community and provide journalists around the world with an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced on the media ethics issues, examine case studies, and participate in role-plays and debates related to the various ethical dilemmas they might expect to face on the job.

CIME and Mishal Pakistan, along with several other stakeholders intend to promote respect for truth, accuracy and privacy by engaging relevant stakeholders to create dialogue on ethical practices through training programmes on quality reporting that results in educating the public.

01-media-ethics-dayThe two organizations would drive the emphasis that journalists together have the power to formulate a tacit code of ethics as a status quo of their profession, which is evolved and observed, mutually by the community, the regulatory authority and relevant stakeholders.

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